Benefits of Orthodontics

Headaches, speech problems, chewing difficulties and the emergence of cavities frequently are just some of the problems that can be caused by the lack of alignment of teeth (i.e., when they are crooked). Many people don't know, but correcting orthodontic problems is not just about aesthetics; it is also related to health issues. Because of this, it is important to understand the benefits of orthodontics as well as some information on how they work.

How do orthodontic treatments work?

To ensure the benefits of orthodontics, the patient undergoes a multi-stage treatment, in which the length of time depends on the problems and the purpose of using the appliance. First, the orthodontist prepares the dental arch with fixed, mobile, or orthopedic devices.
Afterwards, teeth alignment is done. The correction of crowding, crossbite and other problems related to oral health begins to be noticed at this stage — followed by fitting, when the professional can use springs and elastics to fit the bite correctly.

Finally, the treatment comes to the aesthetic focus, seeking perfection in the bite and alignment. When removing the parts, the results must be maintained with a retainer. The most common is to have an iron attached to the inside of the lower arch and use the mobile device on the upper part.

What are the benefits of general orthodontic treatments?

1. Decrease of cavities

Crowded teeth can make it difficult to clean your mouth. As much as you brush your teeth and floss, it can be difficult to clean your teeth completely. There's always a little corner left where the wire or brush can't reach. The result could not be different: accumulation of tartar, gingivitis, and the appearance of cavities. The use of orthodontic braces aligns teeth, making it easier for everyone to clean. With this, they accumulate less waste in the mouth, preventing the appearance of cavities and other oral diseases related to poor hygiene.

2. Healthy breath

There are many causes of bad breath and, believe it or not, the alignment of your teeth can be related. As you could see in the previous topic, crowding of teeth tends to make oral hygiene more difficult. With that, there is a buildup of waste that leads to bad smell. Bad breath can also be related to gastrointestinal problems, and arch misalignment has everything to do with it. Poorly positioned teeth often affect grinding and chewing, interfering with digestive processes and causing long-term problems.

3. Improved self-esteem

Although the use of the device goes far beyond aesthetics, we cannot deny that this is one of the great benefits. Having beautiful, white, and straight teeth is the dream of many people - and this effect is closely linked to self-esteem and self-confidence.
Alignment is not limited to teeth but can change the entire face. The trend is that not only the smile becomes more harmonious, but the whole face. With this, the look changes completely, making the patient happier and more confident, which positively interferes in all their relationships.

4. Speech Improvements

Misaligned teeth can be synonymous with bone base problems. Consequently, the problem hinders diction. As the alignment of the arch affects this structure, the patient ends up showing improvements in speech.
Another gain perceived with the changes in the bone base is related to breathing. The correction of the mandible and the maxilla is capable of interfering with the quality of sleep and in all aspects related to the act of breathing.

5. Decreased headaches

Did you know that misalignment of the dental arch leads to headache crises? The muscle tension caused by poor positioning of the teeth affects the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), located in front of the ears.
The TMJ is responsible for opening, closing, and chewing movements. The fitting of the teeth is one of those responsible for the protection and functioning of the TMJ. When impaired, the individual may experience headaches, earaches, and migraines. Additionally, even back pain can improve. That's because the TMJ works as one of the axes of our human body, affecting balance and posture.

6. Prevention of tooth loss

All the benefits listed so far act to prevent tooth loss. The main causes of this problem in adults involve:
* high sugar intake;
* diseases that weaken the immune system;
* failures in oral hygiene;
* bacterial infection that hits the gum and bones, called periodontitis - usually caused by the formation of bacterial plate between the gum and teeth;
* use of chemical substances.

The alignment of the teeth facilitates cleaning, helping them to remain fixed in their places.

What is an Orthodontist


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