Full Mouth Dental Implants Recovery Time

Dental implants are one of the best solutions for replacing missing teeth. The implant procedure will include a surgical component as well as a prosthetic one. The patient must fully heal from the surgical portion of the procedure before they can progress and have the prosthetic component placed. Many potential implant patients are curious how long it will take to recover from the procedure. The following article will summarize what patients can expect when recovering from a dental implant procedure.

Quick facts regarding implant recovery:

* Many patients return to work one day after the procedure is completed. While it is not extremely common, some patient may even chose to return to work the same day of their treatment.
* Pain and discomfort from the procedure can typically be managed by using an over-the-counter pain medication. The dentist may also write a prescription for a strong medication.
* It takes approximately four to six months for a patient’s mouth to heal from the implant surgery. The area must be fully healed before the crown can be placed.
Once the dental implant is placed, the healing process begins. The healing process for an implant is actually quite complicated. As a result, the timeline can vary quite a bit from patient to patient. Key factors that impact the healing time for implant patients are summarized below.


An implant is surgically placed in the jawbone. This allows the implant to replace the missing tooth’s root and provide an incredibly secure foundation. Following the placement of the implant, it can take a few months for the osseointegration process to occur. Osseointegration is the connection between the bone and the artificial implant. During the implant process, the bone will actually fuse to the implant. This gives the prosthetic tooth a great deal of stability. Unfortunately, this process cannot be expedited and must happen naturally. In most cases, osseointegration will take two to four months. Once the process is complete, the abutment and crown are attached to the implant. Once the permanent crown is attached, the patient can begin chewing and using the implant like a natural tooth.


Implants are considered to be a surgical procedure. However, the implant placement is relatively minor and is almost always an outpatient procedure. Because the procedure is relatively minor, the recovery time is fairly quick. An over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen can typically be used to manage any discomfort or pain. Sutures are typically removed about 10-14 days following the procedure. Once the sutures are removed or dissolve on their own, patients can return to their routine activities without any issues.

For patients who require additional procedures such as a tooth extraction or a bone graft, the procedure will take longer. When a tooth is removed, the dentist must wait for the bone to completely heal before the implant can be placed. When patients lack the adequate bone structure needed to support the implant, the dentist often opts to use a bone graft.

In some cases, the dentist can place the implant the same day as the tooth extraction. This option may be beneficial and aid in expediting the healing process. Same day implants also allow patients to receive the implant more quickly. Follow up with your dentist to determine if you are a good candidate for implants. They are an excellent tooth-replacement option with help restore the appearance and function of the natural teeth. During the implant consultation, the dentist can also discuss the expected timeline for recovery and answer any other specific questions.

Can You Get Full Mouth Dental Implants

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