How Long does a Dental Bridge Last

When they are properly cared for, dental bridges can last for ten years or more. Bridges are a solution which are commonly used for patients with missing teeth. They help to prevent a variety of dental issues, including the movement of the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth. Similar to most types of dental procedures, there are numerous factors which can impact how long a bridge is expected to last. The patient’s oral hygiene and diet both play a critical role in the life expectancy of a bridge.

Dental Bridge Lifespan

While there are varying opinions regarding life expectancy of a dental bridge, according to data from the Cleveland Clinic, a dental bridge should last approximately five to seven years. For some patients, the bridge may last for 10 years or more. Through the practice of good oral hygiene, a dental bridge may last well over 10 years.


When a dental bridge is placed, the adjacent teeth are typically filed down. This is necessary in order to prepare the healthy teeth for the crown and properly support the prosthetic tooth. Unfortunately, this modification of the healthy teeth, increases their risk for infection, decay, and gum disease. The adjustment of the health teeth can also increase the patient’s risk of requiring a future root canal. When there is a failure in one of the supporting teeth, the dental bridge it also at risk for failure.

Preventing Failure

To aid in extending the expected lifespan of a bridge, it is helpful to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Patients should also avoid foods which can easily damage the bridge. In order to protect the bridge, it is important for patients to focus on eating fruit, vegetables and fiber rather than a large quantity of meat. Dental bridge patients should also work to avoid starchy and sugary foods, which are often culprits of decay. Hard and sticky snacks should also be avoided which can include nuts, caramel, popcorn, and candy. These types of foods can place too much pressure on the bridge and cause damage.

Care for a Dental Bridge

Caring for a dental bridge is similar in many ways to caring for natural teeth. This includes good oral hygiene practices and regular visits to the dentist, which can aid in preserving the bridge. It can also be helpful for patients to use a toothpaste which contains fluoride and fights cavities. Brushing and flossing daily helps to ensure the bridge and gums remain clean and free of debris-causing decay. In order to properly floss around the bridge, many dentists recommend using a floss threader. Patients should also visit the dentist every six months, or at the specified intervals, for an examination and professional cleaning

Patients often question how long dental bridges should last. There is no simple answer, as the lifespan of the bridge is highly dependent on the patient’s oral hygiene and diet. When the patient uses caution and is diligent in caring for their dental bridge, they can be an excellent solution for the replacement of missing teeth, often lasting for 10 years or more.

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