How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

For patients who are considering straightening their teeth, it may be beneficial to consider clear aligner trays rather than traditional braces. While these clear, plastic corrective devices may cost slightly more than the metal wires, brackets, and rubber bands, they are becoming a very popular alternative. This article will review the cost associated with using clear aligners as a solution for aligning the teeth.

What Are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are a removable alternative, which are also more conspicuous than traditional metal braces. One of the most popular brands which is commonly used is Invisalign dumfries virginia. Patients will receive a supply of the customized, clear plastic aligners, which should last a few months. They trays will be changed at set intervals, which is typically about every two weeks. The dentist will help determine how often the trays should be rotated in order to shift the teeth into their desired position. The entire process typically takes about a year or more. The timeline for treatment will vary on the amount of adjustments that are required. Clear aligners are an excellent solution for patients who want to straighten their teeth, but want to avoid the traditional wire-and-bracket orthodontic hardware.

The top benefits of wearing clear aligners can include the following:

  • Aesthetics: Clear aligners help patients to avoid bulky, unattractive and uncomfortable metal braces
  • Comfort: Clear aligners more closely match the texture of the natural teeth
  • Easier To Clean: The clear aligners are simply removed for routine oral hygiene such as brushing and flossing
  • Fewer Orthodontic Visits: Patients with traditional braces must visit the orthodontist about every six weeks to have the braces tightened and adjusted
  • No Repairs: In some cases, metal wires or brackets can become loose, which require a visit to the orthodontist for a repair. If any damage occurs with the clear aligners, the patient will simply move on to the next aligner in the series
  • Removable: The clear aligners can be removed at any time. This allows patients to eat what they want, maintain good oral hygiene practices, and generally feel more comfortable

On average, the clear aligners cost slightly more than traditional braces. However, each case is unique and it is difficult to share the exact cost of the procedure. It is best to schedule an appointment you’re your dentist or orthodontist for a more accurate cost estimate.

On average, the clear aligners cost about $3,500 to $8,000. Traditional braces, in comparison, typically range from about $2,500 to $6,000. The cost of the clear aligners greatly depend on the amount of adjustments required, and how many aligners are necessary. The cost for traditional braces can also vary for each patient.

In most cases, dental insurance plans will cover the cost for clear aligners, similar to the coverage for traditional braces. Patients should also check their insurance coverage to determine what they should expect.

Patients should also consult their dentist or orthodontist to determine what treatment solution will best meet their needs. The dental professional will be familiar with the patient’s needs and make a suitable recommendation for treatment. In addition, they will be able to provide a more accurate estimate of the cost.

If the decision is based solely on cost, or if your finances are a big concern, discuss your payment options with the dental professional. Many providers offer financing and flexible payment plans ensure patients can get the treatments they need.

Invisalign Frequently Asked Questions

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