Are Bleeding Gums Serious

Patients may opt to try using various at-home remedies to treat or prevent the gums from bleeding. Patients should focus on practicing good oral hygiene and consuming a nutritious diet which can aid in preventing oral health issues such as bleeding gums. There are some natural remedies which can be used to treat or prevent the gums from bleeding.

It is relatively common for the gums to bleed. In some cases, it does not always indicate the presence of a serious issue. After brushing or flossing, patients may notice small amounts of blood as these routine activities can cause irritation to sensitive gums. One of the most common causes of the gums bleeding is from the accumulation of tartar and plaque. As these products slowly collect, bacteria grows around the gumline. It is critical to practice good oral hygiene to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Patients should also make regular visits to the dentist for a professional cleaning and examination. During these visits, the dentist can also identify early signs of issues such as gum disease. Early detection is critical in treatment and successful outcome.

The most common causes of sensitive or bleeding gums include the following:
1. Use of too much force when brushing
2. Toothbrush containing firm bristles
3. Strong force with flossing
4. Some types of medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or blood thinners
5. Poor oral hygiene practices or neglect
6. Damaged or old toothbrush
7. Gum disease

Methods which are commonly used in the prevention and treatment of bleeding gums are summarized below.


An antibacterial mouthwash can help with the prevention and treatment of bleeding gums. The mouthwash can kill bacteria and reduce inflammation. Some patients use a gentle mouthwash as part of their regular oral hygiene regimen, which can aid in preventing gum disease. The top cause for bleeding gums is gum disease. Patients can purchase mouthwash at most local drug or convenience stores.


It is important that patients use a soft bristled toothbrush. Toothbrushes which contain medium or firm bristles can cause irritation to the gums and even damage the enamel. Patients should brush their teeth at least twice daily for approximately two minutes. Electric and manual toothbrushes are both effective tools to clean the teeth. Patients should replace their toothbrushes or toothbrush heads about every three to four months. In some cases, the equipment needs to be replaced more frequently.

Ice or Compress

When the gums are swollen or bleeding, patients may use a cool compress, ice pack, or ice cubes to help provide relief. The cool compress or ice can help relieve the swelling and slow the bleeding. The ice can also relieve discomfort when patients experience an injury to the mouth. The ice or cool compress can also relieve pain from gingivitis. When using ice, be sure not to use it for more than 10 minutes in a single setting. If bleeding persists or worsens, the patient should follow up with their dentist for evaluation.


When there is significant bleeding on the gums, patients may place a piece of damp gauze on the affected area using gentle pressure until the bleeding stops. Patients with medical issues or a compromised immune system may find it takes longer for the bleeding to stop. If the bleeding persists or gets worse over time, the patient should follow up with their dentist. The dentist can determine the cause and make sure there are no underlying issues or problems which need to be treated.

Salt Rinse

A warm salt rinse can reduce bacteria in the mouth and expedite the healing process. The American Dental Association (ADA) suggests making a salt rinse using ½ teaspoon of salt and about 8 ounces of warm water. Swish the rinse around for a few seconds and then spit it out. Because the rinse is so gentle, the process can be repeated throughout the day.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers smoking to be a major cause for gum disease. It compromises the immune system and makes it more difficult for the body to fight off harmful bacteria that accumulates on the gums. When a patient stops smoking, it benefits their mouth and oral health. The improvements are quickly noticeable.

How to Get My Gums to Stop Bleeding

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