Why are my Gums Bleeding

A patient may have bleeding gums from something simple like a poor brushing technique or the use of too much force. Unfortunately, bleeding gums can also suggest that there is a serious issue which requires professional intervention and treatment. Some of the most common causes of bleeding gums include the following:

* Too much force when brushing or flossing
* Use of a firm toothbrush
* Specific medications
* Compromised dental restoration
* Gum disease
* Pregnancy hormones
* Dentures which do not fit

Gum disease is one of the most common causes for bleeding gums. Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease which commonly results in gum inflammation and bleeding. With gingivitis, there is an accumulation of plaque near and around the gumline. It also causes gum irritation, swelling, redness, and bleeding. When patients practice good oral hygiene at home, gum disease can often be prevented. Good oral hygiene practices include at least twice daily brushing, daily flossing, and routine visits to the dentist. During the regular visits to the dentist, they will complete a professional cleaning and examination. These visits also help detect early signs of gum disease or other issues. When issues are quickly identified, it helps ensure there is a positive outcome.

Untreated gingivitis can progress into periodontitis, which is the more severe form of gum disease. Periodontitis can cause permanent damage to the supportive tissue and bones that hold the teeth in place. In addition, severe gum disease can also cause gum inflammation, infection, and result in the gums pulling away from the tooth. Bleeding gums are actually one of the earliest signs of periodontal disease. As the disease worsens, it can cause loose teeth, gaps between the teeth, or even the loss of teeth. Other symptoms may include bad breath or halitosis, foul taste in the mouth, and misaligned teeth.

Vitamin Deficiencies

In order for the body’s tissue to grow and repair, the body relies on vitamin C. It heals wounds and strengthens the bones and teeth. Patients may be easily irritable, feel weak, or have gums which are swollen and easily bleed when they are vitamin C deficient.

Patients with low levels of vitamin K may also experience bleeding gums. This vitamin is crucial in clotting the blood and maintaining healthy bones. If a patient is vitamin K deficient, they experience bleeding gums.


Another common cause for gums which bleed or are swollen is diabetes. Diabetes makes it more challenging for the mouth to combat germs. This makes patients more at risk for gum disease and infections. Patients with diabetes also have high blood sugar levels, which makes healing more difficult.


Leukemia is a form of blood cancer. It is another disease which is often associated with bleeding gums. There are platelets that exist in the blood which aid in helping the body stop bleeding. Leukemia patients have a low platelet count that makes it challenging for them to stop bleeding.

Brushing Technique

Patients may be tempted to use firm pressure and vigorous motions when brushing. The gum tissue is quite delicate and can be easily damaged. Patients can use a manual or electric toothbrush for cleaning their teeth. Be sure to select a toothbrush with soft bristles. Brushes containing medium or hard bristles can damage the gums and enamel. Patients should also be sure to use gentle, circular motions when brushing their teeth.

Are Bleeding Gums Serious

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